2022年5月11日 星期三

What is a US GRI?


What is a US GRI?


The GRI is a general rate increase that all ocean carriers may choose to apply.U.S. regulation requires that carriers must announce any GRI at least 30 days in advance.

Therefore, U.S. carriers tend to announce a GRI on the 1st of a given month, to take effect the 1st of the following month.

The GRI may vary significantly from month to month. The GRI may also vary between different carriers and trade lanes.

US GRI 是所有海運承運人(船公司)可以選擇應用的一般費率增長,即綜合費率附加費!

美國法規要求承運人(船公司)必須至少提前 30 天宣佈任何 GRI

因此,美國運營商(船公司)傾向於在給定月份的 1 日宣佈 GRI,並在下個月的 1 日生效。

Andy Lin
Yang Ming Gorup
YES Logistics Corp



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